Destinations in Kenya

Kenya has some of the most beautiful safari reserves in the world, and the most famous of them, Maasai Mara, Nakuru Park, and the Amboseli National Park, are just some of the breathtaking, spectacular destinations we will reach. These reserves provide a rare encounter with wild and powerful nature that boasts an abundance of animals and, of course, Africa’s big five: the lion, elephant, African buffalo, tiger, and rhinoceros. Alongside them, live colorful tribes with an ancient and unique culture.

Aberdare National Park

The Aberdare National Park in Kenya is a stunning destination that offers breathtaking landscapes, rich wildlife, and a unique opportunity to experience the beauty of


The Local Tribes of Kenya

Many travelers choose Kenya as their preferred tourist destination. The local tribes who live in their natural habitat, are part of the trip and an inseparable part of the attraction and interest. Why? Because the local tribes in Kenya run their lives as if they are in another world

Kosher safari in Masai Mara

Masai Mara National Reserve

Maasai Mara has been awarded the ‘Best Safari in Africa’ award for the last 6 years. DAILY NATION

The trip to Maasai Mara is an indescribable experience. It is an exciting, unifying for your group or family and a fascinating experience that will leave within you an imprint of love of nature, its treasures and the savage savanna areas in the safari of Kenya.


Amboseli National Park

The Amboseli reserve is located on the border of Kenya and Tanzania. Its beauty is exciting and amazing and it is considered one of the most popular and well-liked reserves in Africa. This “title” is attached to it because of the direct encounter with the great flocks of elephants living within it. Alongside the elephants, thousands of animals live in their

תמונה של פלאמנקו מתוך טיול ספארי באפריקה

Lake Nakuru – The Flamingo Lake

Lake Nakuru is a shallow soda lake in Kenya, located on the African Rift Valley. The lake was declared a national park in 1961 and in 2011, together with Lake Elmenteita and Lake Bogoria, it was also declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The entire site covers an area of ​​about 200 square kilometers.

תמונה מתוך טיול ספארי באפריקה


Nairobi is the capital city of Kenya, and one of the largest cities in Africa with a population of 3 million inhabitants in an area of ​​about 685 square kilometers. Its name derives from a word in the Maasai language, Enkarenairobi, which means “cool waters”.

Nairobi’s uniqueness is the Nairobi National Park, located within the city’s area and defined as a safari reserve.

תמונה של אישה אפריקאית מתוך טיול ספארי באפריקה


The Samburu Park in Kenya is the home of the Samburu tribe. This tribe is characterized by its colorful and interesting clothing. They raise sheep, cattle and camels for food and trading purposes, and some of its men are fighters. The spoken language among the tribe’s members is the Samburu language.

תמונה שצולמה בזמן טיול ספארי באפריקה

Lake Naivasha and the Crescent Island

Naivasha is a quiet, magical and pastoral place. The place is a huge agricultural area that includes farms for raising cattle and greenhouses for growing fruits, vegetables and especially flowers. A large part of the agricultural fields and greenhouses are owned by Jews.

תמונה של טוכי מתוך טיול ספארי באפריקה

The complete guide to a Safari journey in Kenya

As a result of our intimate acquaintance with Kenya, its culture and different safari reserves across the country, we have prepared all the important information plus tips in an organized and convenient guide that will ensure you derive maximum pleasure from your trip and so you can return home safely.

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